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Trauma and Grief - Online IoPT Workshop

Saturday November 18th, 9:30am-1:30pm MT

  • From 25 US dollars
  • Zoom

Service Description

This workshop is intended as a safe space in which you can explore the relationship between grief and underlying trauma. Loss impacts all of us in different ways, depending on many factors including how close you were to the person, animal, or thing that died or was lost, how the loss occurred, what else is or was going on for you at the time of the loss, what secondary losses might have occurred, and on how much support you have from within yourself and from your community. One additional factor that is often unrecognized is unresolved early childhood trauma. For example, for someone who never felt loved and accepted by their mother, the death of the mother can trigger all the longing of the inner child and a realization that this innate need for love will never be met in the ways hoped for. The death of a beloved person or pet by whom we've felt unconditionally loved can also trigger the child's deep longing for love along with the associated pain. These are just two examples. There will be time in this workshop for two people to explore an experience of grief through the lens of IoPT. These explorations are called 'self-encounters' and they start with an intention, which is a simple statement, question, or even just a few words that reflect what it is that the intention giver wishes to discover, understand, or achieve - what they want from this process. Then, by asking others in the group to 'resonate' for words in the intention, the intention giver is able to meet parts of themself, often quite young, that are holding experiences, feelings, and sensations that relate to the intention. As the self-encounter evolves, there is generally an increased clarity and/or resolution regarding the intention itself and a deepening of self-acceptance and connection to oneself. Because the nature of this work depends largely on the shared energy and experience of the group, the movements that take place and resolutions that are found can have meaning for all. I warmly welcome you, whether you choose to have a self-encounter of your own, resonate for others, or simply observe. The cost for a non-working spot is $25 and for a working spot, $70. If you would like one of the two working spots, please confirm with Katrina that one is available before booking. (Katrina is an IoPT Practitioner as well as a Certified Grief and End-of-Life Coach with extensive background in hospice work.)

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Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please do so at least 24 hours in advance. If appropriate notice is not given, extenuating circumstances aside, I reserve the right to refuse future service.

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